Privacy Policy Page

Consent to personal data processing

I (Visitor of the Site / Buyer), hereby, following the Federal Law № 152 ” About personal data” of 27.07.2006, by my will and in my interest I express my unconditional consent to the processing of my personal data, to the Owner of the site represented by the individual entrepreneur Manakov N.I., OGRNIP 318774600016971 (hereinafter – the Owner of the site).

  • The visitor of the Site – the person who entered the site without the purpose of placing an Order.
  • Buyer – User who placed the Order on the site
  • Order – a properly executed request of the Buyer for purchasing services offered by the Owner of the site.
  • Personal data – any information related to a certain or determined based on such information individual.

This Consent is given by me for processing of the following personal data:

  • Last name First Name Patronymic;
  • Contact phone number;
  • E-mail address.

The Consent is given to the Owner of the site for performing the following actions involving my personal data with the use of automated means and/or without the use of such means: gathering, systematization, storing, specifying (updating, changing), utilizing, depersonalizing, as well as performing any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation both by non-automated and automated methods.

This consent is given to the Owner of the site for processing my personal data for the following purposes:

  • providing me with services/works;
  • notifying me about the services/works to be provided;
  • preparing and sending responses to my requests;
  • sending me information, including promotional information, about events/goods/services/works of the Owner of the site.

The Owner of the site may use cookies technology. “Cookies do not contain confidential information. The Visitor / Buyer hereby agrees to the gathering, analysis, and use of cookies, including by third parties for statistics and optimization of advertising messages.

The Owner of the site is not responsible for the information provided by the Buyer on the Site in the publicly available form.

The present consent is valid until its revocation by sending the corresponding notification to the e-mail address

To make work, we log user data. By using Medium, you agree to our Privacy Policy, including cookie policy.

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